Monday, February 16, 2009

How this started

So what took place 39 years ago (when I was 17)?
I was a junior in high school, scared that I would be drafted into the Vietnam war. I was really into myself.... working, school and sports was all that really mattered. In fact I wasn't much of a son or brother for that matter (another entry for that issue later on). But I kept having these reoccurring thoughts of Africa. It wasn't like a real dream, just that strong, regular beat that I was supposed to be somewhere in Africa doing something for the people. But what did that mean and how do I DO THAT? Questions I asked myself but questions I had no one to ask. No I'm not parent bashing here, but that is how I was raised and how I'm wired....stay to yourself, nose to the grindstone, ah the ostrich syndrome, Guilty!

I was just 17 with no guidance or leadership in my life and I was supposed to get involved in Africa? To big for me! Yes, I was well aware of the starvation, oppression and political unrest and my heart ached! But again, I had no where to go with this.

So life goes on from marriage to career to children and the years roll by. And yes so much of the selfish junk that I was (and still am) caught up in. Make that promotion, make the money, buy this and buy that.

But then there would be a slap upside the head and a tug of the heart of the need to be involved in Africa. This persistent reminder would surface from time to time to prod me, but I would stuff it was to big for me.

This persistent dream would not go away. Was all of this a calling? Was this a calling that God laid on my heart at 17....but how can that be (?), I didn't know Christ then and I wouldn't know him for another 33years!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Flooding in

It seemed like as soon as I booked my flights to Kenya, the voices of doubts started to talk at me. The ugly voices of doubt, spewing its lethal poison. Don't spend the will be away from your family for 3 weeks....your traveling will get can this trip possibly help anyone....24 hours of flying, 19 hours of lay over, are you flippen nuts (?!)....are you sure God is calling you to do this....As I process all of this I am convinced it is the evil one that is trying to distract me. What better victory would he have if I stayed home. Stayed home on the couch and never walked one step in obedience or faith to our Lord. I will go to Kenya. I have no clue as to what God has in store for me for there. But I will go in what I feel is obedience to God. Obedience to a calling that took place 36 years ago.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Here I go

Tomorrow I make my plane reservations for my trip to Kitale, Kenya. On April the 28th I fly to Kenya to see an orphanage and the work of Daniel Lipparelli and the team of Transformed International. WOW!! Yikes!! How did I get here?!?! Ah, that is a great question!! Over the next days, weeks and months I will attempt to share with you the answer to that question and answers to many other questions that will pop up.
I hope you will come along with me on this amazing journey!!
