Thursday, April 16, 2009


During the past few weeks, quite a few friends, co-workers and family have asked me if I’m excited or nervous about my trip to Kenya. Well I guess I’m somewhat excited but I’m not nervous. Please don’t take that as being flippant or having no emotion concerning this trip. What I do have is a peaceful, calm sense about the events that are about to take place. Believe me I am so grateful that He has given me that sense of calm and peace.

Because of how I generally work, I could be so stressed about this trip that I would be a mess worrying about all the details. I have a habit of putting on a pair of blinders and being so focused on the “schedule” or the “check off list” that I may miss all that He intended for me to see. I can miss so much beauty and joy and not revel in it. I can roll right over tragedy and pain and not lend a helping hand. All missed for the sake of “my plan”.

Do I have a general idea of what I want to see? Sure I do. But it is not a plan. What I really believe is these ideas are actually beats of my heart. And the blood that flows from those beats to my brain will help me walk in faith.

After all it is His plan….not mine.
