Sunday, March 29, 2009

not always

Since I’m pretty much a structured kinda guy…you know, B follows A and then there is C. I have to tell you that during the past few weeks that kind of schedule of events has NOT taken place!!


What has taken place has greatly amazed, inspired and educated me!! Oh yeah and throw in a heavy dose of love and support.

As I mentioned in an earlier posting I will be staying at Transformed International while I am in Kenya. The Director of that Ministry is Daniel Lipparelli and Daniel is from the Reno area. Daniel has been in Reno for the past few weeks and I have been fortunate to spend quit a bit of time with him. Its time I never anticipated or saw taking place. But it has and I am grateful.

Knowing Daniel would be in town, I thought there would be a couple of opportunities to get together to chat. To chat about what he was doing and what I was seeking or expecting. You know…the typical feeling out stuff I seem to need to go through…for whatever reason. The first meeting lasted 2 hours (with Daniels Dad included) and I don’t think Daniel said 4 sentences. Of course he couldn't talk because that is all I was doing. We agreed to meet again the following week and that meeting again, lasted 2 hours. Yes Daniel talked more, but not much. Once again I seemed to just talk and talk. During these conversations Daniel had picked up on the fact I wanted to explore a much deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ. Daniel went on to explain what that looked like for him, as he was on the same path born out of different circumstances. He brought up this Biblical principal of community and about being the Church vs. going to Church. Daniel asked us if we would be interested in coming to meet with other people that were like minded. He said most were young, single, college age people. I said we would be there.

Debbie and I have attended these meeting called Comm. X or Community Experiment and have been blown away by the knowledge, articulation, acceptance, and warmth of this great group of people. And then throw in the direction and power of the Spirit and you have truly an amazing experience.

But the main point I want to make is this, I expected to spend 4 or 5 hours talking to Daniel about my trip Kenya. But of the roughly 20 hours we have been together we may have talked about Kenya for 15 minutes. The rest of the time has been about learning our Gifts and what community and being the Church is all about. It is also about being in the presence of some amazing people.

Does B follow A?

When God has another plan, thankfully, not always.

For those who wish to know more about Comm. X , visit Daniel’s blog at

Thursday, March 12, 2009

give them hope

I was having a one way conversation (is that an oxymoron?) with someone the other day and when he asked, how long are you going to be in Kenya? For the third time I told him “about 12 days”. Then this guy proceeds to tell me “don’t try to change them, their happy”. Huh, was all I could think. Then he said “and don’t try to change the church, their fine down there”.

What was he saying?

It only gets worse.

He then said “their millionaires down there, they have so much cattle”. Then he proceeded to tell me the truly disgusting part….the sexual practices of the “tribes”. He explained it as, “the boys having to be a certain age” for sex, the girls getting “clipped”, and “then having sex in front of the whole tribe”. He knew this because of being to “warrior camps”.

Why would he say this?

I was really stunned to what he had said and I was really mad at myself because I didn't get in this persons face to argue with him. But I also know confronting this person on what he said would only make a bad situation really bad. So I let it go.

But the deal is, how many more think that way? How many really don’t give a rip?

I know having this drive to help those that have no hope, is not for everyone. But to be this callused and that out of touch from someone that should know better, really was disturbing to me. In fact this event took place about a month ago and I have tried to write about it four times. But all attempts have failed because I was so mad and couldn't’t get my head around his comments.

I could really launch into a four page rant on why I reject everything he said, but I won’t.

This I will say, I am not trying to change anything or anyone. The very last thing I want to do is bring/force our western culture on anyone. The change that needs to take place must come from within a culture and or a person. I believe the best way to spark change is just to offer someone hope.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This is how Marion- Webster defines tension; (3) a: inner striving, unrest, or imbalance often with physiological indication of emotion b: a state of latent hostility or opposition between individuals or groups c: a balance maintained in an artistic work between opposing forces or elements.

So, is tension the force to create balance? As a friend of mine explained to me, there must be balance in a healthy relationship. Balance must be restored. Tension must be dealt with and rectified. I'm good with that, easy enough right? Easy enough until one must apply and face some very uncomfortable process's to restore that balance.

But that's not the tension I am writing about. The tension I am working through, and want to write about, is of the mind and of the heart. For example; I have read books that cause me to ponder a certain "Godly" view point. I will read other books that articulate another view point. As I listen to very knowledgeable people speak on a certain issues, I say WOW that's good, makes sense to me. I will listen to other people with an opposing view point and say WOW, that's good, makes sense to me. And all of these opinions are put forth with certainty and passion. I can read scripture only, but will I miss God speaking through another author? As I see the disgusting excess's of our culture everywhere, I also see the poor, marginalized and oppressed and ask, how is that possible? We are unhappy with our economy, our government, the war in the middle east and the environment But where are the protesters, where are the rallies that want to fight injustice just as my generation did? My mind, at times, wants to explode because of thoughts and ideas. But there are times when I want to just sit and do nothing. We do more communicating than ever, but we don't have meaningful conversations. So many are in a hurry, but where are they going? The world is about me they say, but they walk around lifeless. I would never wavier on certain social issues, and now I ask, I really used to think that way? I saw many things in black and white, but now it seems there is someone turning my color dial. I see so many walking around lifeless and I just wish I had more life to make a difference. My cynicism and skepticism can run wild, if only my tolerance and acceptance ran as wild. I want to feed and aid thousands, but I may feed and aid only one.

But I also know if a person is going to bitch about the problems, he is the problem unless he can offer a solution. So is that more tension, to be the problem or the solution? Good!

As you can see, I have some tension...and I thank God!!! It is so GOOD to have Gods transforming power working in and through me!! Romans 12:2 (NLT) Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Gentle reminder

I wrote in my last entry that I believed serving was about just that, serving. I also said it was the essence of Jesus. But I forgot something very important. Service is also (and equally important) about relationships.

I was part of a team that went to Guatemala to build two homes. We were reminded often that it was about them and not about us. Well we built those homes and we all watched as our teams relationships with each other disintegrated. I was watching as it took place and I didn't say a word. I didn't say anything until we got back home because it was not about me and I didn't want to rock the boat. Well as you can guess our team and those relationships have not been the same since. What a waste!!

During coffee with a friend and his son this morning the issue of service came up. After I stated my thought I was gently reminded that service is also about relationships. It was one of those 2x4 moments that I needed and I am thankful that moment took place.

Yes, Jesus came to serve but he also came in relationship and community!!

Serving blindly will not happen again.

Thank you for the gentle reminder my friend!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Flipping the switch

I came to Christ very late in life, 50years old (and yes, another story on that later). So I am a young believer and even younger when I became involved in our Church's mission committee. At our Church the missions team is called the Global Outreach Team. We support several "Global Partner's" and have short term trips to various areas of the world. Our teams actually does thing a little different than other Church's. Our goal is to serve....that's it! We are there to lift up our Global Partner, make them the hero of the community. We go home but our Partner stays. None of what our team does is about us, it is about serving our Partner's and the community we are in. That's it. Oh yeah our life will change, but that is not the focus. We know and have faith that our Lord will work in us in ways we can't imagine....but that is not the expectation. The expectation is, a house will be built, medical services will be provided, food will be given and we will reflect the essence of Jesus....a servant!

At a meeting our team was having, our team leader (Randy) shared the reaction that our Senior Pastor had when he saw an interview between Pastor Bill Hybles and Bono. Though there are more links, I have put up 4 to get you started.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

This interview was centered around the HIV/AIDS and Debit Relief issues that are facing the people of the African continent. Randy also relayed that our Pastor was charging our team with the task of developing a relationship with an organization, Church, village or town or as Randy put it "just get in the game"! Well the horns blew, bells went off, a 4x4 hit me upside the head and the switch was flipped. I have been on fire ever since. On fire to help those that need the help the most. The dream that God put on my heart when I was 17 was now a battle cry!!

The most amazing part of this "just get in the game" challenge, is that God waited for me! God waited for me so I could do the work he has designed me for (He waited 39 years!!). As I look back, even as a non believer (but a believer of a "higher power") I can see God's loving and guiding hands all over my life. During these last few years God has lead me and been with me on some mighty wonderful events. Events that have raised tons on money, kept an Aids Bracelet Ministry alive, and has provided 1500 Aids Caregiver Kits to African Caregivers.

God has continued to refine and narrow my dream so that it can be a reality. That refinement that He has put on my heart is "to make a difference to the women and children of the African continent". The obvious questions I had (and have is) was HOW DO I DO THAT and WHAT WILL THAT LOOK LIKE (Yikes)!!!

So now I'm developing a Non-Profit organization called S.A.R.A.H. (Sparks African Resource Alliance giving Hope). I'll be traveling to Kenya soon to visit Kitale and the women and children. There are only two options regarding this trip....either I stay at home and concede victory to the evil one or I go to Kitale and let the God of the universe continue to work in me and through me.
He flipped the switch...I will obey
