Saturday, May 16, 2009

just show up

Yea, I know, not a lot of posts since the middle of April. But I am back from my trip to Kenya and I am pretty exhausted. During my trip I planned to blog and post as much as possible. Well that was MY plan and you know how OUR plans can work out. I did take a bunch of notes and I do have some posts in Q. I will be posting those as soon as I can put some polish on them. But this I will share with you today...I think I have gone through every human emotion possible. I saw some things that totally broke my heart, I saw other things that gave me great encouragement and inspiration. I saw richness and depravity, and most importantly I saw Gods work everywhere, but isn't that true when we just show up? I am grateful that you have hung with me on this journey. I will also share this with you ...I have even more fire in my belly to help those that need it the most. I could really use some feed back or if you have any questions...please email me at Oh yeah I'm the old white dude in the middle.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing your adventures and the Dreams God is continuing to place on his heart. Thanks for rock!
    yours truly,
    Jared from Canada

